absorb 的涵义和用法

周志高 提交于 周六, 03/14/2020 - 08:32

absorb [əbˈzɔːb; əbˈsɔːb] 这个词,拆解一下,就是前缀 ab- 加上词根 -sorb-, 词根 sorb 本身也是一个单词,就是“吸”的意思。 to take up and hold by either adsorption or absorption.

至于这里的前缀 ab-, 在 absorb 这个词起强调的作用。

absorb 做动词,基本义:“吸收”  If something absorbs a liquid, gas, or other substance, it soaks it up or take it in. 例如:

  • Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil.
  • A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric and releases it in the form of heat.

absorb 由基本义引申出其它一些涵义:

  1. If something absorbs a force or shock, it reduces its effect. “使缓冲”。例如:
    1. When playing basketball, you need wear footwear that can absorb impact of the foot striking the ground.
  2. If a system or society absorbs changes, effects, or costs, it is able to deal with them. “能应付”。 例如:
    1. The banks would be forced to absorb large losses.
  3. If something absorbs you, it interests you a great deal and takes up all your attention and energy.  “使...专注”。例如:
    1. A interesting book absorbed that little child.
    2. He has an interest that absorbs him completely.
  4. If you absorb information, you learn and understand it.  “理解”。 例如:
    1. He absorbs only some information in the guideline.


absorbed. 形容词,涵义是 having one’s attention wholly engaged or occupied. “专注的”。 例如:

  1. I was so absorbed in my own problems that I forget my keys. 
  2. That boy was absorbed in a novel. 

需要注意的是,当 absorbed 做形容词时,后面通常跟介词 in 引入一个名词。