abase [əˈbeɪs]
这个词的结构是 a + base, 其中前缀 a- 源于拉丁语词根 ad-, 表示 “to, toward”, 其中词根 -base- 源于拉丁语词根 -bassus-, 意思是 “low, short”, 所以 abase 就是 “reduce in rank, etc” 的涵义。
牛津词典的释义是 VN. abase yourself (formal) to act in a way that shows that you accept sb’s power over you.
柯林斯词典的释义是 V. to humble or belittle (oneself, etc) 贬低(某人)
YourDictionary 的释义是 Verb. The definition of abase means to make someone lower, either by making him feel humiliated or by actually demoting his position. 对应的中文释义是“贬低”。例句:
- Bullying has abased this child. 直译:霸凌贬低了这个孩子。
wordahead 对abase 的释义是: to make someone feel ashamed or embarrass someone else. 使(人)感到羞耻或让人感到难堪。
The Free Dictionary 对 abase 的释义是:cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of. 使...感到羞耻,伤害 ... 自尊
- He abase his colleague by criticizing him in front of the boss. 直译:他通过在老板面前批评同事来贬低同事。
所以 abase 对应的中文涵义应该是:降低/拉低 ... 的地位/身份/人格/品格/等等。
- In former times, priests used to abase themselves before the gods. 直译:过去,牧师通常在上帝面前降低自己的身份。
- You have abased yourself by stealing from a poor old woman. 直译:你偷一个贫穷老妇,这贬低了你自己。