
周志高 提交于 周四, 12/05/2019 - 13:31

Fill in the following blanks with suitable words or phrases:

  1. She is ___________ with her roommates. Everybody likes her.

A.   nervous           B.  at ease            C.  free

  1. Every soldier must defend his country ______ invaders.

A. from                  B. against             C.  to

  1. It’s urgent, please mail this package ______ express.

A. with                   B. by                     C. through

  1. If you worked harder to make more money, you wouldn’t be so __________.

A. badly off           B. upset               C. uneasy

  1. I am going to fly to Shenzhen. Can you pick me _____ at airport tomorrow morning?

A. out                     B. up                   C. aside

  1. Jerry was born in USA, but his parents are ________

A. British              B. Briton            C. the British

  1. There are not likely to ________ a lot of job opportunities for graduates.

A. are                     B. have              C. be

  1. There _________ be an old building next to the bus station.

A. seems to           B. used to         C. is likely to

  1. There happened to be no food ______ water available.

A. nor                    B. or                  C. and

  1. A good approach _____ success is focusing yourself on what you are doing.

A. for                     B. to                  C. with

  1. You have to communicate _____ a deaf man through body language.

A. to                      B. with              C. for

  1. If you can convince him ______ his failure, it will help him a lot.

A. with                 B. of                   C. to

Use correct forms of words to complete the following sentences:

  1. A child is not born ____________ (know) how to __________ (use) chopsticks.
  2. He is used to __________ (live) in Vietnam now.
  3. Sign language is _______________ (speak) language ________ (use) by the deaf.
  4. Fear and _____ (angry) are basic emotions of human being.
  5. There seems to be many things _________ (do), if only to make your life better off.
  6. He didn’t use to ________ (fish), but he is getting used to _____ (fish) now.
  7. I am __________ (concern) with your health.
  8. We must stop the __________ (dash) ox in the street, it’s dangerous.
  9. There is no ________ (deny) that his argument is very __________ (convince).
  10. The ___________ (approach) hurricane will damage that small town.
  11. They took the seriously __________ (wound) soldier to emergency room, only ________ (find) he was already dead.
  12. If you keep avoiding __________ (work), your life will be worse off.


Correct errors in the following sentences:

  1. The dogs nor the cat go to the store.
  2. No other venue could be more romantic nor could it be more peaceful.
  3. There was no water nor fresh air.
  4. It wasn’t my personal interest nor it wasn’t the path that I dreamed for myself.
  5. No food, no water, nor clothes may be brought to those homeless.
  6. Discount are not valid with other promotions, nor on gift certificates nor party packages.
  7. Neither Bill, Tom nor me will take part in that action.
  8. I haven’t been trying to play the piano nor won’t I.
  9. He does not engage nor play with his peers.
  10. The report was finished on time, nor does it appear to contain any mistakes.