
周志高 提交于 周日, 12/29/2019 - 16:03


  1. Your Chinese is so good. I can hardly believe that you are a foreigner.

2. She gave up her job because it’s too hard for her.

3. When you see old people in a bus, please give up your seat to them.

4. We climbed to the top of Wutong Mountain last weekend.

5. I finally understood his words.

6. He is looking up his friend’s address in his notebooks.

7. The earliest time I can be here is 9:00 tomorrow morning.

8. You can read this book to learn about the history of rockets.

9. She has to take care of herself because her parent left for Beijing yesterday.

10. Anna’s dream is to be a programmer or inventor.

11. There will be a book exhibition in Shenzhen Sports Center this weekend.

12. His parent brought him some toys when they came back from Oxford.

13. We cannot hear your voice. please speak loudly.

14. Don’t stand on the top of that wall. It’s really dangerous.

15. They created some machines to produce toys.
